Monday, October 24, 2011

It's my favorite season . . .

"Autumn is a second spring where every leaf is a flower."
    Albert Camus

Composition 101:  Combining Dead Space with the Rule of Thirds is an easy way to make a photo more dramatic and eye-catching.  Be careful not to include too much dead space--the "fill the frame" rule of thumb is still always a good idea.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Butterfly Stalking

Taking a good photo is so satisfying.  And the process of finding a good shot is so...nice.  I don't know how else to describe it!  Hmm...

I'm not always the best at focusing.  Just ask my friends.  ;)  But seriously.  I zone out, I get distracted, I go on tangents.  It's what makes me so charming.  =D  When I'm in "photography mode" it's different though.  My mind sort of slows down.

Today, I had some time to kill and I took myself on a photo safari. (Remind me to write a post about what a photo safari is one day.)  The sun was beginning to set and the lighting was really nice.  I drove by a field and pulled over.  I was going to take pictures of the flowers there, but there were all these butterflies.  So I spent the next several minutes stalking butterflies and trying to take a good shot.  (It didn't quite work out.)  Anyway, as I was following one butterfly, I had a neat thought.  Photography is like butterfly stalking.  At least, it is for me.  Walking slowly, being quiet, looking for little details.  (Okay, this was a lot cooler in my head than it is in writing.  I still wanted to share though.)  I like butterfly stalking.

These might be moths...  I never did learn to tell the difference.  Moths are cool too though.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Little Details.

Composition 101:  Don't be afraid to keep clicking.  Sometimes a shot you haven't purposefully composed will be the winning shot that day.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Water dances.

"If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water."
                                                  - Loran Eisley 

Composition 101: If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in light!  Capturing that light is oh-so-satisfying.  Pay attention to light when composing a shot.  Get it right and it could mean the difference between a good shot and a great one.