Friday, July 13, 2007

Fortune Cookies

I've been practically living at the Kahn's lately. I love that Lexi is home. Today, we were out exploring with FridgeBoy, and it just felt so good to be with them both. That feeling hit me all of a sudden, and I just sat back as a smile spread across my face--my whole face. To just be there with them, my two best friends, my siblings, was amazing.

Anyway, that is not the point of this post.

Last night we had Chinese for dinner. As I cleared my plate, I picked up a fortune cookie, cracked it open, and read my fortune:
You are headed in the right direction.

"Oh, that's nice," I thought. I put the fortune down and went about my evening. This morning, I saw the left over fortune cookies and selected one. Once again, I picked it up, cracked it open and read my fortune:
You are headed in the right direction.

I told Lexi about the repeat and said, "Ok, that is not an accident." It's nice to get a little affirmation like that. I'm not quite sure in which thing I am moving in the right direction, but I have a feeling it doesn't simply mean life in general. I think it's supposed to mean something more specific than that... *shrug* I'll find out eventually.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

To Don't List

So at a zoo, there is a semi-unspoken list of things that should never ever happen: we're not supposed to feed animals things they can't have, be in an enclosure with certain animals, do something that could cause the death of an animal, or let an animal escape.

Today, we lost a snake. I think it was the most stressful thing that has happened to me on the job thus far. It was one of our ball pythons, and I'm not sure how long it was out. It could have been anywhere from an hour to overnight.

One of my coworkers and a volunteer walked in to the gift shop and came up to me:
One of the snakes got out.

We looked all around the education building with a flashlight, moving things, triple-checking possible hiding places--nothing. We found a few ways that it could have gotten out of the building, and that just made things worse. Just as we were calling our boss to tell her what happened, I lifted up the hedgehog cage, and nearly had a heart attack. There was our snake, curled up and quite comfortable. It and the hedgehog were just lucky it had crawled under the cage, and not between the bars.

I located a drill gun and fixed the snakes' drawer so it couldn't force it open again (which is how we assumed it got out).

Let me tell you, this is one zoo-happening that I don't want to have to take part in again.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Together again!

That's right, the Kahn clan and I will all be reunited and will be taking Maryland by storm! Well, actually, we're only missing one memeber, but Miss Lexi will be here in just 8 days!!!

Fear us, all. We have epic adventures planned already, and woe unto you who get in our way! *nods*

This summer has been way exciting so far. =D