The ABC's of my summer:
A is for ____, my sister, who I have grown even closer to.
B is for blue Gatorade. I'm addicted.
C is for cookie. And that's good enough for me.
D is for dogs. I have four.
E is for epiphany. I think I had a few.
F is for fun. What's summer without that?!
G is for guitar. I learned how to play!
H is for Harry Potter. I can't believe it's over!
I is for iguana. "Question," the Green Iguana gave me my scars for this summer.
J is for joy. 'Nuff said.
K is for my new friend, ______. I love her a lot. May our friendship be long.
L is for love. It's my favorite thing to feel.
M is for moving. I am still in the process of moving into my dad's.
N is for Nemo, the bird I am now in love with at the zoo.
O is for optometrist, and issues with my contacts. I think I've seen that guy more than some of my friends...
P is for package. It took me about a month to put one together.
Q is for quick. That's how this summer has felt.
R is for rats. I watched a couple for the zoo.
S is for songs. Every summer, I find tons of new music and this summer was no exception.
T is for Toby, my mom's dog. He and I got pretty close this summer.
U is for Utah, and my awesome trip there. Best vaca ever.
V is for Vendetta. (Had to do it...)
W is for "Wow, this is hard." ("This" being this blog entry.)
X is for xylophone. I may have thought about one at some point this summer.
Y is for yawn because I've gotten increasingly tired as the summer has gone on.
Z is for zoo. DUH!