Monday, November 8, 2010

"Do you eat meat?"

Now that I've officially started the process of interviewing with schools I'm beginning to realize just how much of a culture shock I'm in for when I finally make it to Korea. I mean, it's going to be fine. I'm just amused.

I've only had two interviews so far, so I am in no way an expert on Korean job interviews. However, in both instances the person asked me what I consider to be some pretty random questions. Now originally the goal of this post was to document a few of said amusing questions. As I sat down to write them out though, I realized that I don't remember most of the ones I found funny and those I do remember are not funny out of context.

The one question that I do remember and still find humorous is this one:

"Do you eat meat?"

Obviously this lady* knows far more about the intricacies of hiring an individual to teach a second language to children than I do. Why, yes. Yes I do eat meat. Do carnivorous teachers have an easier time controlling the students?


There is probably a method. But maybe just madness.

*The woman who asked me this question was really very sweet and I came away from that interview very pleased.


Kara Minor said...

Oh gosh if carnivorous teachers are the only good ones, I'm in for trouble :)!

Unknown said...

oh, boy. sounds like you're in for some fun, fun times! :)

Kara Minor said...

Can I just say I am still laughing about the "do carnivourous eaters make good teachers" comment.

It really is so funny the things they want to know. I really wish I could remember your first interview as that was super random too!