Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Greater Than or Equal To Content

How are you?
I'm trying to stay content. Or >content.

I'm back at school. With the routine of work and school (and a bit of play, too) came the broken routine of taking my meds. I guess school and my friends and my jobs and being away from home and that routine and those friends and my family and that job is just enough to put me juuuust over the fine line that exists between being good and being depressed. It's all just enough stress to make it just hard enough to deal with my depression that I need the chemical assistance.

So far I'm doing pretty well. Though I often forget to take my pill, I have new things that keep me going. I have three little plants that I take care of every day. I named them. Martin, Spudley, and Angel. When I figure out how to put pictures on here, I'll add some of my lovelies. I also got a little fishy. Her name is Pixie. She's a tiny female betta and I love her. I've only had her a few days, but I could sit and watch her forever. She likes to have her picture taken. =)

I love my jobs. I work at Starbucks again, and this year I get to serve my internships at the Philly Zoo. I'm only on the first one of two, but I want it to last forever. I love it there. I really want to work at this zoo I think. To start off my "real" career. And it can happen. My foot is in the door.

This year started off a little strange because I don't have my "one friend" that I'm sort of attached to. I didn't quite have one for most of the summer either, but I feel lonely more often at school. I do have Chilly and this one boy from high school I've started talking to again--we'll call him SuperHero--as well as Lexi when she's available, as well as other friends who are online often and my girls here at school, so I'm doing okay.

As a sort of side note here I would like to add that I'm curious to see how things progress with SuperHero.

Things will be alright. I'm > content.

1 comment:

Chillygator said...

Madison was very excited yesterday that she not only had a new friend, but had a new friend that wanted to create a club where I couldn't join (o: