Thursday, April 12, 2007

Nothing better than a little good conversation. Except a lot of it.

I'm home for a long weekend this weekend. So far, it's been really nice.

I got my teeth cleaned and then chauffeured mi madre around for her annual MRI and consult appointments.

I also got a chance to hang out with Gemini Thing for about an hour. It was nice because we thought we weren't going to be able to see each other until tomorrow. We've been talking quite a bit lately, and we'd finally made plans to hang out. It turned out that we both had a bit of time today, so we met up. Very enjoyable. Oh, also, apparently Lost has been giving her crap because Gem "can" talk to me and hang out with me, and she "can't." Or something like that. I'm just kind of like, "Who made up those rules? Where did they even come from?" I am getting a bit of twisted pleasure out of the whole thing though....

I'm seeing Lost for a bit tomorrow night, so....I might have a story. Maybe. I kind of hope not, though.

All day today, Lexi was in the front of my mind. I just felt that today would have been a great day to share with her. In person, that is. I have days like that sometimes. I'm going about my day, doing whatever, and I just feel that it would be perfect if some person were there to do it all with me. Today it was Lexi. Actually, it is often Lexi. In other news, we had an awesome conversation online last night:
"Ha, a whole house to the two of us....for two weeks....we could get in to so much trouble..."
Hee hee. I can't wait. Look out, Utah!

Ok, so anyway. After hanging out with Gem, I went to see my favorite Cuban friend, FridgeBoy. Well, I wanted to see Cherchante, and Mama and Papa Khan, too. More good times. I love that house (not to mention that family). FB and I (<-- LoL! Get it? Ha!) went on a reeeeeally long walk around that one lake, with our usual special twist to it. It was just like old times. Just like old times except the conversation was slightly....older? I'm not sure how to put it. It was great, though. I love that kid. He'll be 17 on Sunday! I can't even believe it. *sigh* All of "my kids" are growing up. But that, my friends, is a story for another day. Or you know, never. I'm not sure yet.

Ok, The End.


Lauren Trout said...

sounds like a great story. you should write about it!

Allie said...

<3 <3 <3 <3

I miss you darling!

Come to me and we shall play!

Krebscout said...

Hey, when are you coming to Utah?

Thirdmango said...

hey it'll be nice to meet you