Sunday, October 12, 2008

Excerpt from an E-mail

"I think I'm having one of those days...Ugh, I've just felt so...I don't even know all day today. I had a crappy night last night because I was watching mom's dog for her and he wouldn't let me sleep. Then I've just been off all day today. And now I'm sitting here next to a five page 'document' from my Devil-Incarnate anatomy professor that I'm going to have to make in to a 'flow sheet.' I'm being harsh, but I really, really don't like her at this moment. I'm tired, and I'm frustrated and I'm starting to feel Depressed which is really just the beginning of the end and since I have to function for the next several hours and tomorrow, I'm trying to fight it.

Also, I've been thinking about...your wedding and eventual moving away and for some reason it's really really hard. And I can't really figure out why. I mean, you've lived far away these past four years and it's been okay. I'm still sort of freaked out because I haven't met him, even though I feel dumb about that. Maybe that's not even it at all. Maybe I just feel like I still need you and this whole thing, while super good for you, just kind of leaves me feeling a little left in the dust. You're moving up and on in life, as you should. And I'm happy and excited for you. Remember that, okay? But I guess what I'm trying to say is please don't be offended if I'm a little scared, too. I'm just now realizing..."

The end of it was happier, I promise.

1 comment:

alishka babushka said...

hun! i hope your okay. smile. it will all be okay in the end. i promise.