Wednesday, October 1, 2008

'Cause that's not what Life is for.

As I was walking back to my dorm this evening, listening to the rain around me, and to the crickets and frogs and other night things, avoiding worms on the sidewalk, and swinging my umbrella around but not using it, I wondered why campus couldn't always be that peaceful. Why life couldn't always be that peaceful. Why it couldn't be as peaceful as raindrops at night, or being cozied up on a couch with friends, or painting, or many other things. Why couldn't our existence just be a bunch of those moments strung together? I wondered about these things as I walked back to my dorm room this evening.

Even though I already knew the answer.

1 comment:

Allie said...

This reminded me of Into the Woods.

ust a moment,
One peculiar passing moment...
Must it all be either less or more,
Either plain or grand?
Is it always "or"?
Is it never "and"?
That's what woods are for:
For those moments in the woods...

Oh. if life were made of moments,
Even now and then a bad one-!
But if life were only moments,
Then you'd never know you had one.

But I really think you're onto something. I think maybe my life goal should be combatting this societal mindset that has so distanced us from that ideal you described. Life is meant to be joyful and happy, we are meant to be joyful and happy. Not stressed up the wahoo about stupid things like, you know, whatever. You know my personal vendetta against formal education. :o)

But seriously--like, why do we torture ourselves like this? We work our tails off to afford school, and then to pass school, so then we can get "better" jobs and work our tails off there for the rest of our lives until retirement, and why? WHY?? I ask you!

And I think that's the big issue. We all do these things and don't even know why. Like, is a plasma screen TV necessary? Do we need really nice houses? Honestly, why does it never happen that we just follow our bliss, pack up a tent and just spend life camping Thoreau-style? Although Thoreau totally cheated, but I mean, at least he came close. We stress ourselves out so much because we have lost perspective as a society, is what I concluded.

Wow, this is a freaking long comment. Hi, I love you.