Friday, June 1, 2007

It smells of honeysuckle here.

I'm back home now. Good 'ole MD.

"Say hello to my favorite state for me."

I fell asleep before my plane even took off. I woke up as we were picking up speed, only to fall asleep again once we were airborne. Dad picked me up from the airport and we drove home with the windows down. I could smell the honeysuckle the whole way.

I hadn't realized that I missed the color green. And trees. I mean, there were trees there, but East Coast Trees are different. It's good to be home.

I had a meeting with Queen today about my job at the zoo. I'm super excited. I'll have to write more about that later.

While I was gone, I missed FridgeBoy the most...even though he called me everyday. It was good to spend the afternoon with him, driving in his car. [I just wrote "cat" instead of "car." I find that amusing--"driving in his cat."] It was good to drive in my own car, for that matter. I'm not used to going two weeks with out driving. It felt great, even after being in that accident the other night.

Also, I finally get to be with my dog.

I'll miss my peeps in Utah, but it is nice to be home.

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