Friday, September 26, 2008

Never pray for patience.

It's no more mystery,
It is finally clear to me
You're the home my heart searched for so long.
And it is you I have loved all along.
~Dana Glover (It Is You I Have Loved)

Okay, corny, I know. But as my iPod was playing this song, I remembered a conversation I'd had the other day with Greta about Heavenly Father's message to me about "my someone." (For the record, I feel a bit silly talking about this, but I still think it's blog-worthy. I promise it's not all I think about.) I can't remember how the conversation started, but something caused me to tell her that I'll be really disappointed if I don't know that I've met him. Then, a few years down the road, when I'm telling the man I'm going to marry about all this, he'll say, "I was in such and such a place during this one random month between July 2008 and July 2009." Then I'd say, "I was in such and such a place during this one random month between July 2008 and July 2009!!" So I mean, it wouldn't be all bad, because I'll be getting married to someone eventually. I'd just really like this message to mean that I'm going to meet him and be friends with him...

I was a little off for awhile today. It was during that period that this song came on. Sometimes, it would be really nice to have a someone to call during those moments. Someone I wouldn't feel... I'm not sure, really. I've been working so hard the past few years to not be...gah, I can't really put it in to words. Hmm... I've been trying to become less...dependant? I've run into problems with friends over the years, and rightfully so. So sometimes I feel that it would be nice to have someone who I'm supposed to lean on. So I get impatient. Which brings me to another thought, actually.

We had a speaker at IVCF on Wednesday, and he spoke on patience. He brought with him the Webster's Dictionary definition of the word:
"the capacity, habit, or fact of being patient."

Which, as I'm sure you'll agree, is extremely helpful. Ha. Fortunately, the speaker didn't think this was very useful either, so he also brought the definition of the word "patient":

"bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint."

Without complaint. Just do it. Basically, as our speaker concluded, being patient is being obedient. So out of obedience to the Lord, I need to try to wait patiently for the right time. The time when I get to meet him, and know he is him. He's being prepared for me, and I need to make sure I'm prepared for him. If I'm being impatient about it, then I'm not being obedient, and if I'm not being obedient, then I'm not being the best person I can be, so I'm not ready for him.

The End.

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