Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Just some thoughts.

The first thought is vagueish with some back story: I had an interesting conversation with a new friend this weekend. I am really impressed by how this friend can be so so frustrated at God and still have such a heartfelt desire to spread His light at the same time. However, that is not what made the conversation interesting. What was interesting was how I felt while thinking back over the conversation the next morning. As I was headed home from PA I just felt so...deliciously purposeful. At the time the only word that would come to mind was "inspired" but really "purposeful" is better. It felt good! Basically, I am going to do what I can to make as much money as I can to be able to seriously attack my school loans. (Our conversation wasn't about money, for the record.) With out getting in to the boring nitty gritty, it has to do with being a responsible adult and it involves the family I hope to have one day. I just need to get with it.

The second thought is more of a question. I've been single...well, always really. I've been on dates (like, 2 of them) and at one time I was "going out" with someone for a week or so, but....yeah none of that reeeally counts. So I find myself "considering" pretty much every man I meet. It's really pathetic and frustrating, just so you know. Anyway, that brings me to the question: Do you ever count yourself out? Or count the other person out for that matter. I mean...think things like, "We couldn't work because..." "He wouldn't like...about me." "I'm not going to fly with me." But really, I have no experience partnering with someone in that way and who am I to say what will work and what won't anyway? I think most of us come up with some sort of list about the kind of person we hope to end up with but mine leads me to wonder if that man really exists. Oh, well. It's not really up to me anyway I guess. God already knows who this guy is so I should just quit fretting.

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