Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Not to Deal With Problems

I like driving on back roads, going so fast that I can't think about anything but when to use the brakes--and maybe the words to the music that fills the car and my mind--even if I wanted to. Then there's no room in my head for any reflections, anxieties, frustrations or plans--I'm totally in the moment. There's something so freeing about being locked on the here and now, conscious only of the twists in the road, the pressure of my hands on the steering wheel and how many inches my toe needs to travel to make it to the brake pedal. If I drive fast enough, long enough, any negativity is forced so deep into the back of my mind that I can close the lid on that box I've built there.

1 comment:

Kelsey in Wonderland said...

Heather. 2 things: 1. You have a gift for describing how you feel super freakin' well with words. :) I really enjoy reading your prespectives on things.
2. Sometimes we just need any outlet to help get out our feelings. Don't worry about it.
3. Wait actually 3 things. I LOVE YOU.