Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Oh, me.

Last night, I pulled that one prank again. I sucked a couple of my coworkers in, too. I'll have to find out how it turned out.... Hee hee hee. ; )

I also spoke with my friend Banana for quite awhile. I'm going to visit her at her school when I go home this weekend! I'm very excited.

Oh, and I even got in a few minutes of chat time with Lexi. I was beginning to think you'd dropped off the face of the Earth, my friend! I'm glad you are well!

Life is pretty durn good.

69 more days!!


Allie said...

!!!! Give my love to Banana!!! I miss singing with that chica. :o(

You can so borrow my book when you come. I've even highlighted all the important parts so you don't even have to read the whole thing. :^P

I'm glad we got to talk, too. Things have been so crazy! I'm thinking of maybe not taking any classes over the summer, and just working in the mornings or something. I'm thinking it might be nice just to take a real break.

Hooray 69 days!

Allie said...

Okay, so I sort of lied a little bit. My lack of school and work would be replaced by writing my Honors Thesis, and reading all the lit I need for the Honors Program, and generally getting my service hours in so I can graduate the way I want to. Which is, with honors. I figured it all out: I can read for four hours, and then work out for one hour, and then write for three hours, and I'll spread it out in the day so it's all perfect, and then if I can just get my quotas of reading/writing in, life would be dandy! And I'll go volunteer at the ELC, also, and probably also at the mental hospital. I think it would be cool. It would only be a break in the sense of that I wouldn't be graded on my life during those months. I'm sick of grades.

I love you a million!