Friday, February 2, 2007

Clarity in Cliché

Nothing is crystal clear
While there are so many shades of gray.
I believe a good friend is hard to find and worth trying to keep.

You pulled the wool over your eyes,
You turned your deaf ear.
Will we ever reach that bridge to cross?

One could hear a pin drop
As we suffer in silence.
Our actions speak louder than words.

The thread is fraying
And our bridge is singed.
Is this the way the cookie crumbles?

I’m putting my foot down,
And my best one forward.
This camel’s back is broken.

You want it all to be water under the bridge,
But my river of tears is not that deep.
I’ve forgiven but cannot forget.

You think I’ve had a change of heart.
You’re treating me like I’m the plague.
Well hear me now and believe me later.

I’m no fair-weather friend.
I’m stepping up on my soapbox,
I can see a light at the end of this tunnel.

It may not be your cup of tea,
But I’ve bent over backwards,
I’ve reached the end of my rope.

This can be the turning point.
You’ll never know until you try.
We can move onward and upward.

The slate may never be wiped completely clean,
And we’ll be working from the bottom up,
But can’t time heal all wounds?

I’m holier than no one.
I’m no longer along for this ride.
So wear this on your sleeve.

~Me, with some help from friends

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