Friday, February 9, 2007

Valentine's Day

My mom is the best Valentine I'll ever need. That's right. My mother.

Growing up, Valentine's Day was a lot like Easter and Christmas. That is to say, my brother and I would be too excited to fall asleep on time the night before, and in the morning as soon as we woke up, we would run in to our mom's room and bug her about presents. Obviously, this was before we understood the "reason for the season".

My point is, every year, my mom tried to make February 14th extra special for us. Only, it wasn't because it was an extra special day, but because it gave her another excuse to show us how much she loved us. Because of her, that day has become a day to go out of my way to show my loved ones that I love them. I spend no time moping about how I've never had a boyfriend to share it with, instead I think about how great it will be when, someday, I will have an extra person to celebrate.

Last year, my mom was super busy around February, and she forgot about Valentine's Day. It was my first year away at college, and I was also busy, so I didn't notice the fact that I hadn't gotten a card or anything from her. I got a phone call from a fairly upset mommy that day after she realized what day it was. I just chuckled and tried to reassure her. I felt very loved that Valentine's Day.

I can't wait until I have time to start making hand-made valentines again. I would grab a bunch of red, pink and white construction paper, doilies, a red pen, and a pair of scissors and sit down to a fun craft session. I still have half of one of the hearts I made. I gave the other half to a friend and wrote a message on it. I need to find that....


Allie said...

Hey lovey! Aw, have I mentioned lately that I love your mom?!?! Because I way, way do.

Yeah, I think for once this Valentine's Day is going to be really good... twisted though that may be... I dunno, KK, I'm just really excited. Aren't you?!?!

I got your message about coming out here for Spring Break. Let's discuss it... Gemini Thing might be coming too, and that could be really fun. AND I might be able to help you out a bit financially.... O.o;;;;;

Anonymous said...

I love you honey! I never realized that a simple card and box of candy could help someone escape the feeling of misery so many feel around Valentine's Day! We're both blessed that my mom began this tradition with me and my siblings and that I have carried it on with you and your brother. I never realized that it was this tradition that always made Valentine's Day special for me. Thanks for helping me to see that! Happy Valentine's Day with all my love, Mom.